AIR Series

Shattered Soul

AIR Book 1

Instead of using her powers as a Reader to work the psychic network hotlines, Cassie works as a field agent for the clandestine agency, AIR. Her elven partner Logan is showing her the ropes. Relocating a troll and interviewing a werewolf should be a normal day. When shots are fired and a fairy turns up dead, their day turns into a nightmare.

Broken Paths

AIR Book 2

For purchase on Amazon.

Cassie's job working for a clandestine government agency, AIR, allows her to use her powers without appearing crazy. With her partners, she protects the Lost, mythological creatures from other dimensions, and keep them hidden from the outside world.  When a routine call starts with a gun pointed at her, she knows it’s going to be a bad day, but at least it’s not her employer trying to kill her.

About the author

Amanda Booloodian

Amanda Booloodian lives in Missouri with her loving, and often times peculiar, husband. Amanda has been passionate about the written word throughout her life. Now, much of her spare time is spent at the computer, delving into worlds accessible only through vivid imagination. In warm weather, when she isn’t tapping away at the keyboard, she can often be found wandering through the wilderness. Occasionally she gets it into her head to SCUBA dive or to sit back at home and make wine, which can have interesting results and inspire her writing.
